Himalayan/Scram 411 Suspension Lift Kit 10MM Longer than Standard


Himalayan/Scram 411 Suspension Lift Kit 10MM Longer than Standard

SKU: M67100S


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Himalayan/Scram 411 Suspension Lift Kit 10MM Longer than Standard

SKU: M67100S

This is the suspension lift kit for the Royal Enfield Himalayan!
Although the 800mm seat height means almost anyone can ride it, making the bike slightly taller will increase the bikes ground clearance & make it better off road.

And the standard rear shock can be awkward to adjust the preload & has no rebound or compression adjustment either. The adjustment is important on the Himalayan because its a bike that is put to a multitude of different uses by a multitude of different people.

The standard setting may not provide optimum performance for your own specific use.

Our kit is personalized to your weight & your use and therefore takes up to 2 weeks to be built from the date of order. So, if you mostly use the bike off road with little or no luggage the shock would be supplied with a narrower range than someone who often tours two up with luggage. In other words, its a little more bespoke & its considerably higher quality too!

The HAGON rear shock is:

Custom made to your own weight and riding habits
Two way valve to adjust compression & rebound
24 Months guarantee
Fully rebuildable
Stainless 304L damper housing
Billet machines mounts
18mm piston rod
Made in England

The Front Fork Extensions:

6082T Aluminium
Custom precision made in the UK
Manufactured using latest CNC equipment
Allows vast variation of adjustment.

Our lift kit has been tested on all terrains & is a genuine enhancement to the bikes ride.
Benefits are:

Up to 40mm greater ground clearance
Less grounding footrests in ruts & better on uneven terrain
Adjustable compression & rebound
Can be rebuilt – meaning longer life
Plusher ride on all surfaces including the road
Suited to your individual needs

Please Note: After fitment, using the centre stand with knobbly tyres will mean putting stand feet on a raised plank.
The side stand will need extending by aprox 10mm to maintain same lean angle.

Please note: Experience & the correct tools will be required to fit this item. So, it will need to be fitted by a qualified motorcycle mechanic in a properly equipped workshop.

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